

Tips On How To Care For White Teacup Pomeranian Puppies

By Sharon Lewis

Small dogs are a current trend all over the world. The tiny canines are easy to carry around and ideal for those individuals who live in apartments or homes with minimal living space. Some of the most popular breeds are the white teacup pomeranian puppies. Although these pups are adorable, it is important to understand that they require special care.

Pomeranians are a wonderful smaller breed of animal. They are small fuzzy dogs that have an average weight of around seven pounds. The canines are a lot of fun to have around and extremely playful.

One thing to consider before purchasing teacups is that the small wonders also require quite a bit of care. Owners need to be aware of the many factors that ownership entails such as daily care, potty training and dietary options. Knowing the facts will ensure that the dog successfully assimilates to life with their new family.

One thing that every new puppy owner needs to know is what they should feed their pet. The dog needs to maintain a well balanced diet so that they can grow strong and thrive. The puppy is likely to eat small amounts of wet food when they first come home. A week into the relationship the dog should be introduced to dry food.

Dogs can also be provided with dog treats throughout the course of each day. However, it is important to keep animals away from table scraps. Human food tends to be rich and may cause digestive issues for the puppy. Remember to never give a dog any type of raisins, grapes or chocolate as they are poisonous and will likely result in death.

Exercise is another important factor that a new owner should consider. A puppy should go outside several times each day. Take the dog out each morning, after each meal and before bed every evening. This routine provides the animal with a set schedule that they can easily adhere to and come to expect.

Potty training is an aspect of pet ownership that most people dread. However, most animals are easy to train. Take them for walks after each feeding to promote goings outdoors and not in the home. In addition, put down potty papers just in case there is bad weather or everyone is away when the urge to go hits.

Bathing a dog is never any fun. Unfortunately, pomeranians are furry animals that require quite a bit of grooming and care in order to keep them clean and prevent discoloration of their white fur.Purchase a shampoo and conditioner that is specially formulated for dogs and don't forget to brush the animal and blow dry them to alleviate tangles and matted fur.

Bringing a new puppy into the home does not have to be a stressful endeavor. Get some insight on what the breed entails and do a bit of research to gain some knowledge. The dog will be easy to handle and a joyful addition to any home.

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