

What You Should Know About Lawn Service Edmond Ok Has To Offer

By Scott Fisher

A beautiful lawn speaks volumes about the homeowner. To have one in the compound is a dream that many long to fulfill. Of course not many people like taking their children to play in public parks now and then. When you have a lawn in your compound, those problems of having to look for playfields for your kids are solved. Besides, you can grow vegetables and fruits right on the plot in your compound. More to that, the plot can be used to beautify your home. Below are some of the things you need to know to turn your garden into a paradise with lawn service Edmond Ok has to offer.

Cultivating a new garden is similar to an excellent adventure: planning and preparation are important. It is necessary that you prepare the area perfectly to eradicate the weeds and ensure that soil will not harden over and impinge on lumpy ruts. Testing the soil pH is a crucial step; however, many people omit this.

Once the plan is ready, the other thing is to strip off the area of the weeds. Reaching a depth of up to six inches below the surface will help ensure that even the roots of the weeds are removed. It will also improve drainage and break down big soil compacts into smaller ones. Once that is done, work out a slight slope to avoid pooling of water during rainy seasons. Grading the area using a rake is another crucial thing to do at this stage.

There are two ways through which you can plant cover on your plot. Either you can spread a sod carpet or seed the area. The former is expensive especially if the plot to be covered is large, and so the latter is most preferred. You need an efficient method that will also be cost effective.

Mowing height is a hidden thing about the turf. Majority of the people tend to mow the turf too short which in return stresses the grass. You do not have to be aggressive when mowing. When mowing, ensure you cut only the top third of the grass. This is achievable when you raise the mower to the highest notch. The tall grass is essential in root development as well as mulching the ground. Besides, they prevent sunrays from reaching the weed seeds thus preventing their germination.

Watering the crops is another thing you need to look into. Doing it on a weekly basis makes elongation of roots easy. But before you decide on how regular you are to water your garden, consider the type of soil to avoid water logging. Clay soils do not require frequent water supply because the soils retain a lot of water for a long time. On the contrary, sandy soil allows passage of water and so you will be required to water the plot more frequently.

For healthy growth, grass and any other crop for that matter require nutrients to enhancing leafing and stem development. Iron, copper, magnesium, and sulfur are necessary for healthy growth of your grass. Therefore, you need to supply them at the required amount at the right time.

Crabgrass is the most notorious weed you will have to deal with. Using herbicides to banish them is not the best way; instead, it is advisable to grow healthy grass which chokes weeds naturally. You will be required to mow regularly to keep off weeds.

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